United Kingdom
This is a bi-annual event, held on the village green. Apart from around five hundred cars on show there are entertainments, music, stalls, sideshows and a variety of refreshments. It is massively popular, attracting visitors from miles around – a splendid day out for families as well as car enthusiasts. It raises impressive amounts of money for local charities and organisations. It is next held in 2012 on Sunday 10th June but preparations are already well under way. Make a note of the date! The entrance fee will be £6 per vehicle which entitles you to a number of complimentary items, namely a rally plate, programme & commemorative plaque.
Due to the popularity of the show, we are limiting entries to 400 in total. This will ensure that we maintain the intimacy and friendliness that has been so much a part of our previous events.
Exhibitors to arrive from 11.00am–classic-car-show.html
Contact Mr. D. Chambers: 01608 658603